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How to classify spiral plate heat exchangers

The spiral plate heat exchanger is a heat exchanger in which two parallel metal plates are rolled into two spiral channels, and the cold and hot fluids exchange heat through the spiral plate wall. The spiral plate heat exchanger has two types: detachable and non-detachable. The structure of the non-detachable spiral plate heat exchanger is relatively simple, and both ends of the spiral channel are all welded. The detachable spiral plate heat exchanger is exactly the same as the non-detachable type except for the sealing structure at both ends of the spiral channel.
In order to achieve the purpose of mechanical cleaning, the detachable spiral channel is open at one end and sealed with a flat cover and gasket to prevent fluid from leaking to the atmosphere or short circuit of fluid in the same channel. In order to improve the pressure bearing capacity of the spiral plate, a fixed distance column is used between the plate and the plate to support. There are two types of fluid inlet and outlet on the cylinder: normal pipe and tangential pipe. Tangential nozzles are commonly used in China. Its fluid resistance is small and impurities are easily washed out. It is more convenient to use the rotary support, and the heat exchanger can be placed vertically or horizontally.
The heat exchange fluids A and B flow through the two sides of the spiral plate respectively. One fluid flows from the outside to the inside of the spiral channel and flows out to the central outlet; while the other fluid flows from the central inlet along the spiral channel and flows from the inside to the outside. . The two fluids flow in a pure countercurrent flow. The large structural dimensions of the spiral plate heat exchanger are: the plate width is 1800 mm, the outer diameter is 1700 mm, the heat transfer area is 250 meters, and the distance between the plates is 20 mm. Allows high operating pressures up to 2.5 MPa. The working temperature is determined by the selected materials, most of which are carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper and titanium.
2021/01/19 16:23:56 1681

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Record number: Su ICP No. 2021003046
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