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Storage tank






3M3 oil tank

37M3Seed pot

Seed pot

Large storage tank

Stainless steel tank

Stainless steel tank
Product description
Storage tanks are used to store refined chemicals such as acid, alkali, alcohol, gas, and liquid. Storage tanks are widely used in North China. According to different materials, there are generally: polyethylene storage tanks, polypropylene storage tanks, glass fiber reinforced plastic storage tanks, ceramic storage tanks, rubber storage tanks, stainless steel storage tanks, etc.
As far as the cost performance of storage tanks is concerned, steel-lined polyethylene storage tanks are now the best ones, which have good corrosion resistance, high strength, and long life. The appearance can be manufactured in various types such as vertical, horizontal, transportation, and mixing.

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Copy right ? 2021 Wuxi Zhuoyida Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.

Record number: Su ICP No. 2021003046
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